Rider Rabbit got pretty banged up. After numerous surgeries, pins, lots of physical therapy and tons of pain killers he managed to get back pretty much to normal.
Because he was wearing full gear he managed to survive. Even more importantly, he was lucky.
Unfortunately, the best gear can't protect against some injuries, and many traffic fatalities occur as the result of someone not paying attention.
Yeah, says Peter Peep, I have a friend who got left-turned too. He went over the hood and got the car antenna jammed into his leg so far that they thought they might have to amputate. Luckily he didn't loose his leg, but that is just another example of the oblivious driver.
You're darn right, says Paula. Watch out for them, they can kill ya . . . !
Oh, btw, Harold made it too. He ended up with 2 points on his license and had to sell his house to pay for Rider Rabbits injuries . . .